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Hacking and more... / Web-DesiGn Stuff / java-script menu Moderat de Shocker
Mesaj Pagini: 1
Elite Member

Din: 666
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 970
care are habar cum sa faca un meniu in java ca si pe (numa ca ala ii facut in css)

pus acum 18 ani
Super Moderator

Din: localhost
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2084
Pai de ce vrei in Java?

Uite aici sursa de la cel de pe siteul respectiv in caz ca te intereseaza:
[Am scos ce era inutil, si am rearanjat codu sa arate mai frumos si am facut sa nu iti mai trebuiasca nici un fisier .css, doar ce e aici ]


.buttons a, .buttons a:link, .buttons a:visited {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #3F89C3;
padding: 5px;
padding-left: 10px;
display: block;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
font: 12px Tahoma, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
text-align: left;
width: 150px;

.buttons a:hover {
background-color: #3F89C3;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
color: #ffffff;
text-decoration: none;
width: 180px;
text-align: right;
font-weight: bold;

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ShockingSoft is back
Freakz only
Comics of the day

pus acum 18 ani
Old School Member

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 422
stye cineva cum se poate  de ex  din :domenii sau blabla sa apara 2 sau mai multe butoane(cand te duci cu mouse-ul peste ele)??

Modificat de gaby_dylyu (acum 18 ani)

Always Expect The Unexpected!!!

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: 666
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 970

Shocker a scris:

Pai de ce vrei in Java?

Uite aici sursa de la cel de pe siteul respectiv in caz ca te intereseaza:
[Am scos ce era inutil, si am rearanjat codu sa arate mai frumos si am facut sa nu iti mai trebuiasca nici un fisier .css, doar ce e aici ]


.buttons a, .buttons a:link, .buttons a:visited {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #3F89C3;
padding: 5px;
padding-left: 10px;
display: block;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
font: 12px Tahoma, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
text-align: left;
width: 150px;

.buttons a:hover {
background-color: #3F89C3;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
color: #ffffff;
text-decoration: none;
width: 180px;
text-align: right;
font-weight: bold;

<div class="buttons"><a href="index.html">Acasa</a></div>
<div class="buttons"><a href="domenii.html">Domenii</a></div>
<div class="buttons"><a href="hosting.html">Hosting</a></div>
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<div class="buttons"><a href="blabla.html">Suport</a></div>
<div class="buttons"><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></div>

gaby_dylyu a scris:

stye cineva cum se poate  de ex  din :domenii sau blabla sa apara 2 sau mai multe butoane(cand te duci cu mouse-ul peste ele)??

si pe mine tot aja mar interesa sa sa deschita 2-3 tabele dar in jos

pus acum 18 ani
Little Kevin

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 66
cum vretzi menurile alea? dhtml (java si css) sau flash (stil vechiul site macromedia)

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: 666
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 970

mrcally a scris:

cum vretzi menurile alea? dhtml (java si css) sau flash (stil vechiul site macromedia)

de ce sti u sa faci ?

o fine in stil dhtml dar cand dai cu masu pe el sa se deschida in jos sau sa ne explici cum facem sa se deschita in sus, jos, stanga, dreapta

pus acum 18 ani
Little Kevin

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 66
pentru incepatori nu pot decat sa va recomand un soft care sa faca asta in locul vostru. dhtml mnu builder se cheama, eventual  da un search dupa menu builder pe downloads.com si o sa mai gaseshti cateva buildere de la sothink si altzii ca ei. in fine.. dmb-ul e super tare pentru cineva care nu vrea sa scrie cod dar vrea un meniu ushor de costumizat

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: Orasul Fantomelor
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 981
mrcally poate pui un link cu dhtml menu builder cu versiunea full

Before doing something perfect,do something perfectable!

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: 666
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 970
care intelege ceva de aicea :


Image Switch Menu Documentation 
Sample Implementation
Template Based on Sample Implementation 
Applet Parameters Index
General Settings
Main Menu Images
Sub Menu Settings
URL Links 
General Settings 
Copyright notice.
param name="Notice"
value="Image Switch Menu, Copyright (c) 2000, OpenCube Inc." 
Note: This must be included for the applet to work.

Applet Background Color
param name = "bgcolor"
Value = R,G,B, Where R,G,B are the red, green, and blue components of the applets background color.

Status bar text when the mouse is over the applet.
param name = "onsbtext"
Value = X, Where X is the message to be displayed in the status bar when the mouse is over the applet area.
DEFAULT: "OpenCube - Image Switch Menu"

Status bar text when the mouse is not on applet.
param name = "offsbtext"
Value = X, Where X is the message to be displayed in the status bar when the mouse is not located over the applet area.
DEFAULT: "Java by OpenCube"
Main Menu Images 
Image File Locations and Names
param name = "imagefile0" - "imagefileN"
Value = X. Where X is the relative location and name of the image file to be displayed in the applet area as a main menu image. This must be defined relative to the location of the HTML document which contains the applet.

Image x,y Positions Relative to Top Left Corner of Applet
param name = "picxy0" - "picxyN"
Value = X,Y. Where X,Y is the horizontal and vertical location of image relative to the left margin of the applet. The x and y values must be separated by a comma.

Image File Locations and Names
param name = "switchfile0" - "switchfileN"
Value = X. Where X is the relative location and name of the image file to be displayed in the applet area when the mouse is over a main menu image. This must be defined relative to the location of the HTML document which contains the applet.
Sub Menu Settings 
Sub Menu Descriptions
param name = "desc0-0" - "descN-N"
Value = X, Where X is the message that corresponds to the index used to identify an image. (e.g to define a the first sub menu message for the first image use "desc0-0", to define the second sub menu message for the first image use "desc0-1", to define the second sub menu message for the third image use "desc2-1", etc.,etc.)

Font Style
param name = "font"
Value = Font Face, Style, Size, Each value must be separated by a comma and appear in the correct order (font face, style, and size) The Allowable Java font face values are Helvetica, TimesRoman, Courier, Dialog, or DialogInput. The alowable style options are plain, bold, bolditalic, or italic.
DEFAULT: Helvetica, plain, 12

Text Color
param name = "menutextcolor"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B define the red, green, and blue components of the color as described above.

Left and Right Margins
param name = "lrmargin"
Value = X, Where X is the left and right margin to use for the menu message.

Center or Left Justify Text?
param name = "centertext"
Value = true or false, True = yes, Center Text - False = no, left justify text

Sub Menu X,Y Position Relative to Top Left Corner of its Associated Image
param name = "menuxy0" - "menuxyN"
Value = X,Y, Where x,y is the x and y offset from the top left corner of the image using the coordinate system described above. The x and y values must be separated by a comma.

Sub Menu Color
param name = "menucolor"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B defines the red, green, and blue components of the pop up sub menu color.

Sub Menu Outline Color
param name = "menuoutlinecolor"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B defines the red, green, and blue components of the pop up sub menus outline color.

Sub Menu Highlight Background Color
param name = "menuhlcolor"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B defines the red, green, and blue components of the pop up sub menus highlighted background color.

Sub Menu Highlight Text Color
param name = "menuhltextcolor"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B defines the red, green, and blue components of the pop up sub menus highlighted text color.
URL Links 
Image URL Links
param name = "imagedesturl0" - "imagedesturlN"
value=X, where X is the link for the specific image. URL's can be defined relative to the HTML document containing the applet or fully qualified.

Specific Load Destination Image URL Where?
param name="imageloadwhere0" - "imageloadwhereN"
The "imageloadwhereN" tag specifies where the document specified in the "imagedesturlN" parameter should be loaded. The default is "_self". A value equal to the name (case sensitive) of a frame will load the document in that frame.

"_parent" show in the parent frame
"_top" show in the top-most frame
"_self" show in the current frame
"_blank" show in a new unnamed top-level window
"name" show in a new top-level window named name
"frame name" show in the frame named frame name

Note: When targeting a frame location with the name of the frame make certain that the case and names are typed identically. If the applet cannot find the frame the document will be loaded in a new window.

Sub Menu URL Links
param name = "desturl0-0" - "desturlN-N"
value=X, where X is the link for the specific sub menu message. (e.g. to define a link for the first images first sub menu message use "desturl0-0" for the second use "desturl0-1", etc, to define a url link for the third images second sub menu message us "desturl2-1", etc., etc.) URL's can be defined relative to the HTML document containing the applet or fully qualified.

Specifc Load Destination Sub Menu URL Where?
param name="loadwhere0-0" - "loadwhereN-N"
The "loadwhereN-N" tag specifies where the document specified in the "desturlN-N" parameter should be loaded. The default is "_self". A value equal to the name (case sensitive) of a frame will load the document in that frame.

"_parent" show in the parent frame
"_top" show in the top-most frame
"_self" show in the current frame
"_blank" show in a new unnamed top-level window
"name" show in a new top-level window named name
"frame name" show in the frame named frame name

Note: When targeting a frame location with the name of the frame make certain that the case and names are typed identically. If the applet cannot find the frame the document will be loaded in a new window.

Default Load Destination Where?
param name="loadwhere"
The "loadwhere" tag specifies where the default target location is to load all links in the applet. Use the specific loadwhere settings above to overide the default.

"_parent" show in the parent frame
"_top" show in the top-most frame
"_self" show in the current frame
"_blank" show in a new unnamed top-level window
"name" show in a new top-level window named name
"frame name" show in the frame named frame name

Note: When targeting a frame location with the name of the frame make certain that the case and names are typed identically. If the applet cannot find the frame the document will be loaded in a new window.


pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: Orasul Fantomelor
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 981
asta ce vrea sa fie Y2K`

Before doing something perfect,do something perfectable!

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: 666
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 970
tut cum sa faci asfel de meniu

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: Orasul Fantomelor
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 981
dar niste programe de creat butoane nu ai?

Before doing something perfect,do something perfectable!

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: www.kellot.lx.ro
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 528
@d3light uitate mai bine "web-design stuff" ca o sa gasesti

..::Nu am mai trecut de mult pe aici::..


pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: 666
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 970

d3light a scris:

dar niste programe de creat butoane nu ai?

sincer si mie miar trebui, daca fac rost iti dau un pm sau postez chiar aicea :d (dar poate gaseshti u primu )

pus acum 18 ani
Little Kevin

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 66

d3light a scris:

mrcally poate pui un link cu dhtml menu builder cu versiunea full

pe laptop am doar un demo, dar nu e complicata treaba.
potzi face cu demo-ul un meniu care sa itzi placa, ii dai preview in browser si il iei de la path-ul din address bar
eventual mai scotzi tu la mana linkul pe care il pune catre site-ul lor si e okay treaba

cand imi bag si desktop-ul in drepturi eventual pot fi de mare ajutor... sau mai cauta pe email.cracks.am si andr.net un crack/serial

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: 666
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 970

mrcally a scris:

d3light a scris:

mrcally poate pui un link cu dhtml menu builder cu versiunea full

pe laptop am doar un demo, dar nu e complicata treaba.
potzi face cu demo-ul un meniu care sa itzi placa, ii dai preview in browser si il iei de la path-ul din address bar
eventual mai scotzi tu la mana linkul pe care il pune catre site-ul lor si e okay treaba

cand imi bag si desktop-ul in drepturi eventual pot fi de mare ajutor... sau mai cauta pe email.cracks.am si andr.net un crack/serial

frate da eu nu reushesc nika cu prg ala demo (

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: Orasul Fantomelor
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 981
nici eu...si nici nu e prea klumea...................altceva nu recomanzi mrcally

Before doing something perfect,do something perfectable!

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: 666
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 970
visaul studio menu

Modificat de Y2K` (acum 18 ani)

pus acum 18 ani
Little Kevin

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 66

Y2K` a scris:

mrcally a scris:

d3light a scris:

mrcally poate pui un link cu dhtml menu builder cu versiunea full

pe laptop am doar un demo, dar nu e complicata treaba.
potzi face cu demo-ul un meniu care sa itzi placa, ii dai preview in browser si il iei de la path-ul din address bar
eventual mai scotzi tu la mana linkul pe care il pune catre site-ul lor si e okay treaba

cand imi bag si desktop-ul in drepturi eventual pot fi de mare ajutor... sau mai cauta pe email.cracks.am si andr.net un crack/serial

frate da eu nu reushesc nika cu prg ala demo (

mai.. eu sincer sunt relativ incantat de dmb apropo de ceea ce shtie sa faca. e drept ca nu e cel mai intuitiv soft, dar putzin muncit sepoate face.
oricum.. daca nu va place ala... nu shtiu ce sa spun. incercatzi flash
cu codurile de la dmb atzi putea face un meniu relativ elegant... acum depinde de voi cum il foloshitzi. mai incercatzi sa downloadatzi de la aia de pe site nishte upgrade-uri la template-uri sau cum le-o mai zice

pus acum 18 ani
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