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Hacking and more... / S.O.S. / PROBLEME_mail YAHOO Moderat de Shocker
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Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 16
cineva m-a ameninţat că îmi sparge parola la Y!Messenger . După 20 de min -> Eroare / nu am mai putut intra pe mail . Am încercat să recuperz mailu fiindcă ştiam datele şi mi-a aprut aşa ceva : This Yahoo! Account Has Been Deactivated
Please remember that the Yahoo! Terms of Service provides that Yahoo! may terminate your Yahoo! account in certain situations, including (a) where a violation of the TOS or other incorporated agreements or guidelines has occured, (b) in response to a request by you (self-initiated account deletions), or (c) extended periods of inactivity. For full information, please review the entire Terms of Service.  MAI AM VREO ŞANSĂ SĂ RECUPEREZ MAILU ???*

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: Cluj
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2069
Te-ai oprit cand ai vazut eroarea aia ? sau ai incercat mai departe sa-ti recuperezi contul ? Normal trebuie sa fie un link de reactivare undeva pe pagina aia...


IPFind: IP Finder and browser revealer
SkullBox: IT pentru incepatori

pus acum 18 ani

e simplu l a blocat pt 12 ore

pus acum 18 ani
Grand Master

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 322

tot_Zeu a scris:

e simplu l a blocat pt 12 ore

Exact . Ca atunci cand bagi username-ul si parola gresita de cateva ori .

Toate drumurile care duc in iad sunt drumuri cu sens unic.

pus acum 18 ani
Membru nou

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 16
Au trecut mai mult de 12 ore şi nu merge . Alte variante de a recupera mailu mai sunt  ???

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Din: Ardealean!
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 507
lol ce tare.. oare cum a facut? probabil ca a incalcat nishte termeni de la yahoo.. interesant.. si eu am patit asha, nu puteam intra in mail, cand bagam user si pass se bloca cu o pagina alba si nu se mai incarca, in schimb pe Y!Messenger mergea

Cauta-Ma ! www.google.com

pus acum 18 ani
Grand Master

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 382
"This Yahoo! Account Has Been Deactivated"
o stiut parola si o sters acountu din baza de date de la Yahoo sau blocat 12 ore.
P.S.Daca o fost sters zi la acount

pus acum 18 ani
Membru nou

Din: BistritA
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 7
nu cred k mai ai vreo sansa sati recuperezi idul...intra in logs in messenger recupereazati id-urile si fati alt cont

pus acum 18 ani
Little Kevin

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 46
si mie sa mi sa intamplat (((((( cum nu stiu prima data a mers sa aflu parola dar dupaia (

pus acum 18 ani
Membru nou

Din: Bucharest
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 13
Se putea incerca (sau se mai poate, daca n-au trecut 90 de zile de la cererea de stergere) cu un "reply" la mesajul trimis pe adresa alternativa de e-mail... in reply trebuie folosita limba engleza, cat mai corect posibil si cu un ton cat mai decent
Daca e ceva noroc, cei de la Yahoo mai trimit un mail cerand datele de verificare: YahooID, Date of Birth, ZIP/Postal code, Country, Alternate e-mail address, secret question and answer.
Adresa de pe care se primesc mesajele trebuie sa fie -inc.com iar subiectul contine "Account Terminated" cu sau fara "Re: " in fata si/sau un sir de tipul unique-id intre paranteze la coada... asta ca sa nu va prosteasca vreun script-kiddie

Iata un exemplu de "thread":

On 1/12/07, Yahoo! < -inc.com> wrote:

** This is only a notification.  You do NOT need to respond. **

This email is to confirm that your Yahoo! account, "{censored4privacy}"
has been recently terminated per your request.  Your account
has been deactivated and will be deleted from our user registration
database in approximately 90 days. This delay is necessary to
discourage users from engaging in fraudulent activity. To satisfy
terms agreed to in the Yahoo! Finance Terms of Service, personal
information for users subscribed to Yahoo! Finance Premium
Services will be kept by Yahoo! for at least 3 years after the
subscription date.

If you did not request this action please reply to this message.

Thank you for using Yahoo!. You can always sign up for a new
account by clicking on any "Sign In" or "Sign Me Up" link
appearing on the front page of most Yahoo! Services.

Yahoo! Member Services

On 1/12/07, {censored4privacy} wrote:

Please reactivate my account , "{censored4privacy}" and send the initial
password to this e-mail address. Somebody managed to get my password
and issued the termination request in my name.
Thank you.

On 1/14/07, Yahoo! < -inc.com> wrote:


Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Account Services.

We understand that you want to reactivate your account.

If you have recently received notification that your Yahoo! account has
been scheduled for deletion, this process was initiated on our help site
and confirmed with the entry of a valid password for your account.

If you did not request this deletion or you would like to reactivate
your account, please reply and include the verification information
requested below.

* Yahoo! ID.

* Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy).

* ZIP/Postal Code.

* Country.

* Alternate Email Address (this is the non-Yahoo! address you entered
during registration or when you last updated the account).

* Secret Question and Answer (If you do not know your question, please
supply the first five items of verification and we will send your
question via email).

Since a valid deletion request has already been made from this account,
we will reverse the process only if provided with all of the information
requested above.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.



Yahoo! Customer Care

For assistance with all Yahoo! services, please visit:

New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - better than ever!

Original Message Follows: {cut-out4brevity}

Tocmai incerc sa recuperez contul unui prieten in felul asta (poate si mesajele si pozele pe care le avea acolo).

Mai cititi si voi, copilasi... si nu mai tineti toate ouale in acelasi cos :grin:

Modificat de snakemick (acum 18 ani)

"0"s and "1"s. It's THAT simple!

pus acum 18 ani
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