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Hacking and more... / HaCkinG Request / Steganography Moderat de Shocker, hfhun
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 21
Salutare am si eu o intrebare ... poate unii stiu poate altii au practicat dar consider ca urmatoarele sfaturi care le astept or sa le fie de ajutor tuturor. Bun problema mea se pune in modu urmator. Vrem sa facem rost de orice informatie de la orice victima ... dupa metoda asta zic eu ca e cel mai lame dar e si destul de curat (asta in cazul in care stie cineva)
          ??? Cum putem face cu ajutorul steganografiei instalarea automata a unui program la vizualizarea unei imagini. Ma refer nu la orice program ci la un k3yl00ger care acesta sa fie gata setat cu toate destinatiile pt salvarea informatiilor  ... pe scurt o poza cu un k3ylo0ger configurat la acesare/vizualizare instalarea in background. Astept niste sfaturi/raspunsuri pe mail sau aici ! Multzumesc anticipat.

pus acum 17 ani
Grand Master

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 322
Era pe forum un script asemanator cu ce ai zis tu ....da nu mai stiu care e

Toate drumurile care duc in iad sunt drumuri cu sens unic.

pus acum 17 ani
Super Moderator

Din: localhost
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2084
Nu are nici o legatura steganografia cu ce vrei sa faci tu [doar prin faptul ca vrei sa ascunzi ceva intr-o poza]

S-a mai discutat despre 'combinarea' unei poze cu un executabil, dar... nu se poate momentan

ShockingSoft is back
Freakz only
Comics of the day

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 21
e imposibil sa nu se poata face asa ceva! Nu se stie poate, traim in lumea informaticii azi se poate face orice ! unii stiu mai bine .... mai astept niste raspunsuri poate totusi cineva ne zice !

Shocker din cate stiu eu asta inseamna steganografie sa ascunzi ceva intr-o imagine ... conteaza daca ascunzi un executabil sau un fisier text ??? eu zic ca nu tot steganografie se numeste.

P.S daca cineva vrea sa imi zica sa schimb extensia la un exe intr-un format de imagine nu ma intereseaza asa ceva .... e riscant !

Modificat de z3nDo0r2k` (acum 17 ani)

pus acum 17 ani
Super Moderator

Din: localhost
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2084

Derivat din limba greaca, cuvântul steganografie înseamna "scriere ascunsa", o colectie de tehnici, care mai de care mai originale, dedicate camuflarii unui mesaj...

Aici zice ca se refera la text, dar in fine poti sa ascunzi si imagini in alte imagini. In orice caz nu ascunzi un borcan cu rachie printre lada cu muraturi

Sa revenim la topic: Era odata o metoda prin care puteai sa executi un VB Script atunci cand deschideai un .JPG, dar avea efect la primele versiuni ale XP-ului, de atunci au aparut multe fix-uri.

Momentan nu mai e nici o metoda [publica] prin care sa poti sa faci ce vrei tu. O fi cineva care stie ceva, sau poate nu

LE: Tocmai cautam pe internet mai multe despre steganografie si am gasit ceva interesant. Va vine sa credeti ca imaginea:

este ascunsa in imaginea:

ShockingSoft is back
Freakz only
Comics of the day

pus acum 17 ani
Grand Master

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 322
Mie nu imi vine sa cred

Toate drumurile care duc in iad sunt drumuri cu sens unic.

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 21
Salutare pana la urma am gasit eu ceva ceva .... sper sa va fie si voua de folos eu insa am inceput sa pun mana pe visual basic si sa incep sa imi scriu propriul keylogger si sa il salvez intr-un .exe care sa aibe iconitza ca cea din windows la extensiile .jpg in fine programul o sa execute Windows Pictures And Fax Viever si o poza oarecare care se incarca intr-un program primar acesta generand .exele dupa care se modifica exetnsia in .exe.jpg pentru a fi transmisa mai usor ....

Acesta este linkul :

Si inca un articol luat tot de pe care suna interesant "malicious code run on your computer from a .jpg file 

Short Intro:
The idea that a user could not get malicious code run on your computer from a .jpg file became false recently. And now for the first time it could be possible to get infected with a text file if it has not allready happened before. (well close to it anyway.)

Recently a article was published on astalavista by Geoff Vass from Australia about how cmd.exe can launch files with a .txt extrension as executables.

In the article it basically said that if you rename a .exe file to .txt and open cmd.exe and run it from cmd.exe it will run as a executable. It went on to say that he emailed microsoft about it and coincidentally shortly after microsoft released a warning about it. To qoute the article directly it said.

"So I had an email conversation with the fellas at secure"@"microsoft.com and they felt it was not a problem and would not be changing the behaviour.

Coincidentally, shortly after MS issued KB811528 which says that CMD.EXE
looks at the header of the file and because it is an executable, executes it
and that you should only run code from trusted sources (blah blah blah)."

If you want to read the full article by Geoff Vass first it is included with this article in the folder called "Article By Geoff Vass" and the file name of "txtrant.txt".

He went on to say that you could hide malicious code in .txt extensions and virus scanners might not scan it and hackers can use it to hide malicious code. He also said that for a .txt virus to actually execute the user will need to open up the command prompt and execute it.

So I thought about it for a while and realized you could just send a virus as a .zip attachment and inside the zip file would be 2 Files. The first file would be a virus but with the actual extension renamed to .txt and perhaps hidden(seeing that the default setting is not to show hidden files). For the purpose of clarity lets just say this file is called "virus.txt"(of course a virus writer could name it whatever they wanted [duh]). The second file would be a shortcut with the following command.

"cmd.exe /c virus.txt"

In case you dont know what that command does it would execute "virus.txt" as an executable and close after the virus has finished installing.

You could also use a command like the following that would erase something of your choice and you would not need two files in the .zip attachment.

"cmd.exe /c del /q c:windows*.*"

Also the shortcut file icon is replaced with a text icon.(There is a text icon included with this article). So now the shortcut looks like a text file. It could be named readme.txt and of courseyou cant see the .lnk extension on shortcuts so it would look like a normal text file even if file extensions are shown.

You can change the icon of the shortcut if you go into the properties of the shortcut and click shortcut and click change icon and use the icon included with this article. You could also go to layout(in the properties section still) and have the windows size reduced so that the height is 1 and the width is 1 to make the command prompt windows smaller. Plus you could change the Window position to 999 on both width and height so the user can't even see it.

You can also rename the .txt extension on the actual virus to anything you want such as .jpg and i think anything else too.(I dont think it will execute if the file has no extension though). But give it a try.

The only bad part about it is that the shortcut will have a little arrow in its corner but its more tempting to click that than a .exe file.

Hopefully this will give Microsoft more reason to change cmd.exe so that it does not launch all file types as executable.

Files Included with this Article:
Files included with this article are a text icon in the icon folder, the Article by Geoff Vass from which i thought of this simple idea.(Thanks Geoff). And in the virus folder are a sample virus but the program that the shortcut launches is not a virus. It is just a program to test your cpuspeed.(If you wanted a real virus there you can make your own and use this technique to launch it).

Modificat de z3nDo0r2k` (acum 17 ani)

pus acum 17 ani
Grand Master

Din: Bacau
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 252
o sa incerc sa fac eu ceva dar nu garantez nimik !!! 2 fisiere 1 bat(care o sa il convertesc in exe) si unu Bmp
fisierul Bmp o sa fie copiat undeva in windows si o sa i se schimbe extensia in exe(avand continutul unui trojan) iar cel bAt il compilez in exe si ii dau imaginea unui folder iar apoi bag ambele fisiere intr-o arhiva SFX si i-o dau la victima! asfel victima ce vede o fotografie care nu merge si un folder si bine inteles ca va da clic pe folder sa intre si sa vada sau mai simplu il fraieresc e ala i da direct clic pe folder si o imbulineste 

Pe poteci strâmte si abrupte se ajunge la fapte mari.(V. Hugo )

pus acum 17 ani
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