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Hacking and more... / S.O.S. / Rainbow Tables Moderat de Shocker
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Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 19
Ma baieti poate sa-mi zica si mie careva babeste ce-s alea rainbow tables ? De fapt ma intereseaza daca rainbow tables sunt tabele ce stocheaza cripata cf md5 (sau alt algoritm) toate combinatiile de pas definite la crearea tabelei (lungime pas, caractere din ce ii compusa etc)

Nimeni nu moare virgin; pana la urma viata o sa ti-o traga si tie.

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1896
uite aici informatii:

Este un brute forcer cu care spargi md5-uri sau lm6

:< 4 8 15 16 23 42 *execute*

pus acum 18 ani
Super Buruian

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 356
Redox prietene un rainbow table este un dictionar de parole criptate dupa un anumit algoritm. Adica,sa zicem ca ai un hash(adica parola criptata) md5 din 3 litere. Poti sa ii dai bruteforce sau dictionary attack si poate reusesti sa spargi,avand in vedere ca sunt 3 caractere. Dar cu un rainbow table merge mult mai repede. Practic,un rainbow table contine toate combinatiile posibile de parole criptate formate din 3 caractere. Ca sa generezi un rainbw table dureaza mult si ocupa mult spatiu,dar odata generata,tabela o refolosesti de cate ori vrei. Cain ultima versiune vine si cu un generator de reinbow tables numit WinRtGen. Incearca-l ca sa vezi ce si cum. Eu am un hard antic IBM de 546 de mb pe care l-am umplut cu un rainbow table. De asemenea du-te pe google si cauta ca trebuie sa gasesi si tabele de dldat. Sper ca te-am ajutat


Beware of the buruian( he is ... super )

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1896
Ever got tired of waiting loads of days/weeks/months to crack a sam file ? Well with rainbow crackign you don't have to. Think of rainbow cracking as a dictionary atack that screwed around with a brute force atack, all this with an added twist. While you're brute forcing you take each possible password and hash it on the fly(which takes time depending on the complexity of the algorithm used), so all that time to convert plaintext->hash builds up and results in the huge amount of time to wait for it to finish. A dictionary atack on the other hand only uses a select few passwords to try out from a password file (converting each one on the fly as well) but this takes time also. So what if you could eliminate the need for plaintext->hash conversion(as this takes most of the time needed in cracking hashes). The result combines brute-forcing with dictionary atack methods. Rainbow cracking is like brute forcing in that all combinations are used and like dictionary mode cause a password file is used, and original in that the password file does not only contain the plaintext but also the hash of a possible password. The resulting password file will contain ALL possible character combinations (up to a limit) and their hashes. All the cracker needs to do now is compare hash to hash thus drastically decreasing crack time. An atack of this nature can crack a password such as "H7fY+=2-J" in a matter of seconds as the atack is simply comparing a string to a list of strings(which is a HUGE advantage). As few things are perfect though, this method has a MAJOR disadvantage: imagine a text file with trillions of possible passwords in it(and their hashes). A password file such as this (aka Rainbow Table) can be a good number of gigs in size (a COMPLETE one can have 60+ GB of size) thus making it quite a useless method for one who doesn't have the hard drive for it. Rainbow tables are available for purchase on dvds' or free download but due to their size this is highly unrecommended. You can generate your own rainbow tables(using charsets of your chosing) with programs such as winrtgen for multiple types of hashes such as LM, NTLM, MD2/4/5, sha1 etc. Programs that support rainbow cracking are Cain&Abel(it's cryptanalisis mode) or the command line program rainbowcrack(i don't know of any prog for linux yet)

:< 4 8 15 16 23 42 *execute*

pus acum 18 ani
Little Kevin

Din: Real World !
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 74
bine baieti


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