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Hacking and more... / La Cafenea / *SERIALS* Moderat de Shocker, hfhun
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big chuck
A firewall

Din: Inside the band
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 589
I suggest that,at this topic everbody posts serials,or requests serials

I'll start,
I need an activation code  for "Corel Paint Shop Pro X"
Found a few,crap!

The answer is not in the box,the answer is in the band

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1602
lol do u know how to activate on photoshop 9 cs 2 ? i think is the same shit

In caz ca nu sti...Getting Laid <> Getting r00t

pus acum 18 ani
big chuck
A firewall

Din: Inside the band
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 589
any1?no1 has an activation code for "Corel Paint Shop Pro X"

The answer is not in the box,the answer is in the band

pus acum 18 ani
Master of

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 135
@Sad_Dreamer, iei un key-generator, bagi de acolo Serial Number (1045-1083-1618-6828-2705-8792, for example), dai Activate On-Line (sau ceva de genul ala) dar NU il lasi sa se conecteze....o sa dea o eroare si ai o optiune Phone Activation pe care dai click.....in key-generator introduci Activation Number care ti-l da in Photoshop si apesi <Generate Auth Code> pe care il pui in casuta respectiva (Authorization Code)

sper ca am retinut bine ce si cum...si sper ca am explicat si cat de cat inteligibil....

pus acum 18 ani
Elite Member

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1602
da...dar  dupa ce bagi serial numberu' cand iti cere activation online ala mai sus iti apare serial numberul introdus de tine si autorization code parca...si le pui pe ambele in generator si " generezi " autorization code

In caz ca nu sti...Getting Laid <> Getting r00t

pus acum 18 ani
Master of

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 135

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Baia Mare
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 41
Install the program. During installation you'll be prompted to log on to your Corel account or create one.
Use bogus personal info and a real e-mail address for this purpose. Once install is finished, shut off
internet access and launch the app. Go to Help, Buy Now. Choose Purchase Over The Phone. You'll see a window
with an install key and two blank fields, one for the serial and the other for the activation code.
Type the serial provided below in the corresponding field. Open the Corel Painter  keygen (daca nu ai fa-ti rost ) and enter the install key
from the program in the keygen's second field. Hit Authorize to get an activation code. Type it into the third
field of the app's Purchase Over The Phone window and hit Continue... voilá, the app is activated.


There Are Only 10 Types Of People In This World Those Who Understand Binary And Those Who Don't

pus acum 17 ani

Din: -==LaS VeGaS==-
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 655
05-08-2006 15:45:41 ultima postare
numai reinvia topicurile


pus acum 17 ani
Elite Member

Din: ..:: Angels City ::..
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1351
asta ma uitam si eu      cand o mai intrat pe forum big chuck -- si sa posteze )  GOD ) si nu e singurul topic inviat )


pus acum 17 ani
Elite Member

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 612
LoL de cand e topicul asta majoritatea nu eram pe aici pe forum...eu am aparut 1 luna mai tarziu am impresia 

ps:topicurile astia nu le-au sters ratatii aia au sters ce era mai important


MuOnline&Counter-Strike Support

pus acum 17 ani
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