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Hacking and more... / Mobile Phones / clon sim card Moderat de Shocker, hfhun
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Little Kevin

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The SIMs of GSM smartcard are little that every  telephone GSM/UMTS takes in its interior. The SIM has as mission to identify and to autentify the number of the telephone that this using the telefonico terminal. The SIM this composed by a little computer (you microcontrolor) and one small memory. This makes that this element is active, or, that can contain programs and algorithms to manage its own resources (PINs, Identificadore s, keys, ect...)

Clonar a SIM means to create a SIM different from the original one but that it behaves exactly equal. This to the being an active element must make with an emulator since to part "to copy" the data of the SIM it is necessary "to emulate" his behavior and to even extend it.

So that he is interesting to clonar a SIM?

Clonacion of the SIMs can be made in two different modalities, each one of them with its advantages depending on the use way:

Putting several numeros of I telephone in a single SIM:
This modality is very practices not to have to take several SIM and to be interchanging the every time in same terminal. Clonacion has like advantage (as opposed to similar services of the operators) in which these numeros can be of different operators.
So that people have several SIM? It happens in many occasions that you have different numeros for the personal subject that for the work. Or simply you want to use one tarificacion different for each SIM in different hour picture. Depending on the emulation that becomes of the SIM (the emulator that is used for it) you can get to have up to 10 different numeros in a same SIM (being able to be of different operators).

Putting the same one I number of I telephone in several SIM:
This is the other modality of clonacion. With the same one you are able to have several SIM with the same one I number. This is very I practice in case you have several terminals and you want to use the same one I number in all.
A very clear example of it is the tipico free hands of the car. Many automoviles take their own terminal of GSM that introduciendol and correspondient and SIM works directly. Normally, it is required that in the personal terminal and the one of the car he is the same one I number and unless estes interchanging existing unica SIM constantly, the unica solution is clonacion. Having several SIM you can take one in your terminal and another one (for example) in the car.

to this modalities clonacion can serve with propositos as backup (to have a copy by if they rob to you or you lose the terminal) and/or also resolve problems like the space of the agenda, messages, ect... It is necessary to consider that the existing emulators have much capacity of memory and them whatever can be regulated you can use for a case or another one.

Really, the clonada card (copy of the original one) has a series of characteristic s that allows independently to fit but their operation to the use of the user of the operator.

Bond interests to me to clonar my SIM, what I need?

In order to clonar a SIM it is necessary:

- 1º "the original" SIM to clonar.
- 2º a card reader ISO 7816.
- 3º a PC (it is worth anyone, but preferiblement and with door series).
- 4º a programmer of you microcontrol you pray.
- 5º the clonaje card (card destiny or virgin).
- 6 º the program emulator for the clonaje card.
- 7 º the clonador program or backup of SIM.

Not asusteis, summary seems many things practicamente but soon depending itself on the cases in two or three. All software for clonacion is free and unloadable of Internet and as much the programmer as the reader costs to the rededor of 30$.

The first step, logicamente is to obtain the necessary material. It is not necessary to obtain it everything for the first steps. But the interesting thing is to obtain points 1, 2, 3 and 7.
As PC can be used one anyone. Any superior P3 or that has sufficient memory to execute Windows is worth to us. It does not have to be a cucumber ultrafast, the results are going to be the same thing with a slow PC but. That if he is interesting that has a port series RS232 at least (DB9 pins) frees.
As Reader of 7816 tarjertas ISO I usually recommend cheap but, the Phoenix type. A reader of these characteristic s can be found in any store of electronicos components.
The Coelma company distributes a model of the same one under the name of TE21 (phoenix):
This device takes a quartz crystal. Usually it is recomentadar to begin that it is of 3.57Mhz. Also is necessary a power supply (regulated of 6v-9v) asi like a cable of connected series "pin pin". All these elements can on a par be obtained that the reader of the same form.

The program of clonacion is but the facil thing to obtain. Podeis to begin with the XSim and to unload it from this direction:

Once we have these elements we can happen to the second point of clonacion: Extracion of the original SIM of the IMSI and Ki.

Extraction of IMSI and Ki of an original SIM.

The SIM of GSM, since we have commented, have in their interior you microcontrol or and a memory with data. These data allow to indentificar to the user when this, by means of the terminal, it makes or it receives a call. The SIM, although seems extraño does not contain explicitamente I number of I telephone of the subscriber in their interior. In his defect it takes I number that it serves to indentificar to that subscriber in the network of this operator. This I number is known with abbreviations "IMSI" (International Mobile Subscriber Identity). This I number is very important to hour of clonacion so that he is one of the fundamental data in the use of a card SIM.
The other data important to extract is the Ki (Authentication Key). This I number is a key that is used in the processes of autentificacio n of the subscriber. By means of autentificacio n the operator makes sure that the IMSI and the rest of the data of the SIM are correct and belong to a valued card.

The IMSI and Ki come to be like a Login and password for "entering" the GSM network. This example is not very correct but so far it is been worth. Without these two numeros we are not nobody within the network of the operator. When the terminal connects envia the IMSI to BTS (Base Transceiver Station) correspondient and Usando the IMSI the operator "looks for" in his data base of users HLR (Home Location Register) to that I number of subscriber belongs that IMSI. Once indentificado the process of autentificacio n takes place.
If some of both numeros does not agree with the calculos of the operator that SIM it was without covertura and it did not enter the network of the operator.

As we extract these numeros of the original SIM?

In order to extract both numeros we can use the XSim. Once executed so single we will have to hope to that it detects our reader to us and it verifies that the SIM this introduced in the reader. The IMSI is a data very simple to read. One is within a file of the SIM (if if... there am this good within a file, the SIM have pequeño S.O with arbol of files, the name of these files to save site are numeros in hexadecimal). The file that contains the IMSI is the 3F00:7F20:6F07. As much 3F00 and 7F20 are DF (Dedicate Files) (as "directory" of the SIM) and 6F07 it is EF (Elementary File).
All the commentary previously is simply informative, if usais option of I scan standard of the XSim the program were in charge to locate the IMSI and to show it in the main screen directly. Independientem being if quereis to look around podreis to accede to the file of the SIM to verify as indeed all the data estan ahi that compose the IMSI.

The extraction of the Ki is but complicated. The Ki is a secret key that has each SIM. It has a length of 16 Bytes (16 numeros from 0 to 255). This causes that there is 2^128 possible combinations of that I number.
This I number (in teoria) never leaves the card. This is, the SIM by means of its internal processor, makes I calculate matematico in which that I number enters game. That process is called autentificacion.
This process of autentificacio n is fundamental for the operation of the SIM and clonacion of the same one. For that reason WE MUST extract this I number to be able to clonar the SIM. The XSim to be able to extract the IMSI uses the system of collisions developed by Briceno and company. The process of extraction of the Ki is long (8 hours) and it is made by pairs (8 pairs of 2 bytes). Once made the same one already we will be at readiness of clonar our SIM.

Clonacion of the SIM

For clonacion of the card in if, we recommended the use of the SIMEMU (the best emulator of GSM).

Each emulator forms itself of different form reason why the best thing is to obtain the precise data of which querais to use. However, on the case of SIMEMU, the same one one is based on cards with you microcontrol or PIC (Microchip) 16F877/76. These card is known with the name of SilverCard/Greencard/Greencard II depending on the additional memory on the same ones.
In order to be able to record this card with the SIMEMU, we needed a programmer PIC, device DIFFERENT from phoenix (TE21) that we have used for extracion of the IMSI & Ki. This disposivo of programming of PIC but cheap is the JDM. Coelma distributes under the name of TE20x (the x is important) and podeis to it to find in its pagina WEB:

For demas explanations we sent you pagina to the official of SIMEMU, the best site to find actualizacione s of same asi like the different references from versions:

I can have several clonadas cards working at the same time?

If. Perfectly. When a SIM activates by means of the terminal the operator by reasons for security generates I number called weather TMSI (Temporal Mobile Subscriber Identity). While the worked Terminal this this I number is used as if outside the IMSI. This allows that several terminals with clonadas SIM work at the same time.
In envio of calls they behaved without difference some. All the SIM used the same one I number telefonico. The calls podran overlapping itself in the time and you would seran invoiced in a unica invoice.
As far as the reception, the thing is but complicated. Single one of the telefonos can receive the call in spite of being ignitions all. I telephone in receiving the sera call I complete which finds obtained a valued TMSI. Normally the operators generate the TMSI when the SIM autentifican and this autentificacio n takes place when making a call with the same one reason why we have: "I complete I telephone in carrying out a sera call the one that receives them". This rule not always is fulfilled between the different operators since some autentifican the SIM to ignite the terminal and to connect themselves to the network.

I can at the same time have several "active" numeros in a unica SIM?

No. Desgracidament and is not feasible to be able to have at the same time but of an active line in a terminal. This is simply so that each I telephone SINGLE has a radio channel (that is fullduplex). Reason why SINGLE you maintain a connection (in delay or speaking) with the operator.
What if you can do with the clonada card it is to happen of I number to another one by menu, without having to extinguish the terminal and changing the SIM.

That differentiates has between "clonar" and "duplicar"una SIM?

In principle both concepts it seems that they talk about the same, but in it practices it is not asi. Normally terminologia "to duplicate" uses the distribuidores/comerciales of stores of the different operators. The "duplication" has but that to see with a "substitution" that with a copy of the SIM. This takes to error to but of one, that believing to go by the simple side is that he is not asi.
When a distributor of an operator "really duplicates" a SIM to you what this doing is "to assign" your I number of I telephone (MISDN) to a new SIM. This new SIM (as all) has their own pair of IMSI & KI that are DIFFERENT from the old card as well. The distributor the unico that does really is to read the ICCID (I number form in the own SIM) of both cards (old and new) and to call to the operator to communicate the substitution to him.
The operator by means of these ICCID can relate facilmente in his data base to that MISDN (I number of I telephone) pointed that card, changing by the new one. As soon as this operation it is made, of automatica form the old SIM lets work and the new one begins to identify itself.
This system that stops a robbery or a lost one is very interesting, since I number of I telephone (MIDSN) not this in the SIM, for the hour to create two equal cards evidently is not worth. Asi that now when oigais in a store of the operator palabrar "duplication" debeis of knowledge that what really they mean is "substitution".
With clonacion we did not replace anything in the data base of the operator (mainly so that we cannot) if not that really "we duplicated" the data of the SIM so that there are two equal ones.

That is a SIM v2 and v1? Â To that they talk about when they speak of this?

From the point of view of clonacion, two types of SIM exist then: those that takes to COMP128 v1 and those that take to COMP128 v2. Both cards, from the point of view of the user, they are identicas. Practicamente work of equal form (unicamene v2 usually they are but new, and for that reason usually they are of but memory (32k or but), but at the time of clonar single are possible to be clonar the V1.

So that?

To date, all the programs of extraction of the Ki use same metodo: extracion by collisions  27.0.html). This metodo is based on bug well-known of function COMP128 v1. In function COMP128 v2 this was solved and these programs of extraction do not work.
In order to determine if a SIM is v1 or v2 (osea that the version of the COMP128 is v1 or v2), the unica trustworthy way is to make a search of the Ki with the existing programs of extraction and to determine asi if this extraction can be made. Desgraciadamen you, by color, tamaño, weight or flavor is not feasible to determine tipo/version of COMP128 that takes a trustworthy SIM 100%. However, we hope that in a future not very distant we find a solution to the extraction of the Ki in this type of cards (v2) and all can be clonar.

As the clonada card can be usar/cortar?

These are two tipicas questions of which it begins with these menestres. As the used readers come generally prepared for cards ISO the 7816 (from tamaño to proximado to a credito card) and moviles use reduced SIM but, the personnel does not know like solving this pequeña contingency.
By a side the form but simple to use your original SIM or your clonada SIM (already trimmed) with the lectores/programadores is hacerte with "cartoncillo" of which they are rejected in the original ones. To obtain one of such is very simple in any distributor of telefonia. With a little "placed fervor" they estrategicamen you obtain a "very cheap adptador" of card SIM.
On the other hand once you make clonacion of your SIM you can ask as to make cuts to leave it so that between in the movil. But I practice is to do it with cutter good and a rule (preferiblement and of metal). Following these instructions:
With same facilmente obtendras sim cut well.
(Attention: Taken care of with the cenzurat when making the cuts, that soon teneis that to use to call by I telephone).

Copyright © 2007 ALEJ

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Tot cautand pe net ce este cu clonarea unui SIM , am dat de situl asta cu diverse programe pt clonari, etc:

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Little Kevin

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textu' original era in spaniola,dar l.am tradus cu  browseru xxx ...asa ca scuze pentru eventualele greseli si ortografice,si gramaticale

Know your enemy and know yourself and you will always win!

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